A chronicle of Patrick's life

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Keeping Daddy Honest...

Thanks once again to Aunt Hyla for subtly "reminding" me to keep PB's blog up-to-date! Here are some of our most recent photos--enjoy.

Watermelon seems to be one of his favorites...

Bath time is always fun

Always eager to help fold clothes!

With Daddy

Our beautiful baby!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Haircut #2

I had to ask Jo if she was feeling OK when she suggested that we cut Patrick's hair this morning. Reminiscent of moving him out of our room, I quickly procured the electric shaver before she had time to change her mind. Ten minutes later and Patrick looks like a new recruit at Parris Island.

Summer Fun

Patrick and John discussing the proper way to load a cooler...

Patrick beating the heat

Patrick enjoying his watermelon

Patrick showing his "high five" skills

Patrick helping Daddy fold clothes